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greenpass EU Taxonomy
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greenpass EU Taxonomy

Fulfill the requirements of the EU Taxonomy for climate-proof real estate

In line with environmental objective #2 climate change adapatation of EU Taxonomy 
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EU Taxonomy conformity and ESG reporting 

The EU Taxonomy is valid for all economic activities regarding construction, renovation and trading with real estate and sets out criteria and risks for six environmental objectives that determine, if a real estate qualifies for green finance or as green asset. Every project needs to contribute significantly to one environmental objectives while doing no significant harm to the others. 

​EU Taxonomy


EU Taxonomy compliance

greenpass EU Taxonomy delivers plenty of benefits

Comprehensive state-of-the-art climate risk analysis
Profound conformity approval for EU Taxonomy
Assessment of the impact of adaptation measures
EU Taxonomy compliant real estate and open space
Guidance on adaptation measures to reduce risks
Future-proofness and investment security

greenpass EU Taxonomy

greenpass EU Taxonomy allows an official approval of conformity with the criteria set out in the EU Taxonomy and its appendices for environmental objective 2 - climate change adaptation. It fully complies with the requirements stated in the official documents and is scientifically profound. The analysis is based on the most modern methods for risk assessment including leading risk database and the digital greenpass assessment methodology
EU Taxonomy check for your real estate and open space

Get a comprehensive and fact-based check of your real estate and open space in terms of EU Taxonomy environmental objective #2 - climate change adaptation

Climate Risks, KPIs, diagrams and maps

Location-based risk analysis and scientifically developed, meaningful and acknowledged Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), diagrams and maps for data-driven analysis in terms of EU Taxonomy environmental objective #2

Guidance on adaptation optimization and climate risk reduction

Get tailored guidance on how to improve climate adaptation and reduce climate risks with effective optimization measures

Digital Twin based climate adaptation and projection analysis

Digital Twin based analysis as single-source-of-truth (SSOT) with high resolution microclimate simulations (ENVI-met) for today and future with 3 different climate projections scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5., 8.5)

30 climate-related risks and KPIs

greenpass EU Taxonomy analyses chronical and acute climate risks in the four categories temperature, wind, water and solid-mass related risks - in line with the requirements defined in the EU Taxonomy for environmental objective #2. In combination with meaningful KPIs in the four challenges climate, water, air and biodiversity

Transparent report with executive summary

Get your easy-to-read and transparent report including an executive summary for decision makers


Climate Risks

greenpass EU Taxonomy delivers a data-driven and location-based climate risk analysis in line with the EU regulations for today and future climate projection scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5). The holistic assessment includes chronical and acute risks in the four categories temperature, wind, water and solid-mass related risks according to EU Taxonomy Appendix #2

30 physical climate risks

List of Climate Risks

Heat Stress
Heat Waves
Heat Wave Days
Tropical Nights
Changing Temperature
Temperature Variability
Permafrost thawing
Cool Wave
Changing Wind Patterns
Cyclone, Hurricane, Typhoon
Changing precipitation patterns & types
Precipitation or hydrological variability
Heavy precipitation (rain, hail, snow/ice)
Flood (coastal, fluvial, pluvial, ground water)
Sea level rise
Water stress
Drought stress
Saline intrusion
Ocean acidification
Glacial lake outburst
Solid mass-related
Costal erosion
Soil degradation
Soil erosion

Key Performance Indicators

greenpass EU Taxonomy delivers informative maps that allow to understand the climate resilience of your project and calculates valuable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in 4 urban challenges for today and different future climate projection scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5). The unique and easy-to-understand KPIs are scientifically developed, acknowledged and correlating with EU regulations and guidelines

climate-related KPIs

List of KPIs

Thermal Comfort Score
Thermal Load Score
Thermal Storage Score
Run-off Score
Carbon Storage Score
Leaf Area

How it works

EU Taxonomy compliance was never easier. Follow the steps of greenpass EU Taxonomy towards EU Taxonomy compliant real estate and open space, while maximizing cost/benefit efficiency and real estate value

Shop and submit data
Shop and submit data

Go to the greenpass Shop and get your greenpass EU Taxonomy. Submit your project information and upload your data via the online Data Upload Form. Based on your data a digital twin will be modeled with the greenpass Editor

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Data Requirements
Digital Twin and Risk Assessment
Digital Twin and Risk Assessment

greenpass EU Taxonomy executes an automatized and high resolution expert simulation for the challenge microclimate based on the digital twin for today and three future climate project scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5). The digital twin out of the greenpass Editor serves as single-source-of-truth (SSOT) for the simulation. The simulation is powered by ENVI-met - the world's leading microclimate simulation.

Further, greenpass EU Taxonomy delivers a holistic and location-based state-of-the-art risk analysis is done, based on multiple datasources for physical climate risks in line with EU regulations

Greenpass EU Taxonomy check
greenpass EU Taxonomy check

greenpass EU Taxonomy delivers a data-driven and location-based climate risk analysis in line with the EU regulations for today and future climate projection scenarios (RCP 2.6, 4.5 and 8.5). 

Further on meaningful and numerical Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for 5 urban challenges are automatically calculated, based on the simulation. The comprehensive results are visualized as thematic 2D maps and diagrams and allow fact-based and data-driven decision making 

Follow recommendations
Follow recommendations

Follow the tailored and spatial located recommendations of greenpass EU Taxonomy to improve climate resilience and compliance with ease

Download your report
Download your greenpass

Download the digital and easy-to-read report of greenpass EU Taxonomy with your results for further communication, a transparent documentation and your purpose

See Sample Report
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greenpass EU Taxonomy

The recommendation for greenpass EU Taxonomy includes the default module extended with the add-on optimization. It can be further extended with other add-ons out of the categories scenarios, conditions, analysis and service

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Go to the greenpass Shop and choose your greenpass EU Taxonomy to start to ensure climate-proof real estate and open space

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