Climate-proof and green development
As a starting point, an analysis of the initial situation as well as a climate resilience handbook as a supporting planning supplement for the participants is recommended. Depending on the design and structure of the competition, the participating entries can be quantitatively pre-screened with greenpass Climate Check as well as greenpass 3D Analytics for the evaluating jury as a fact-based decision-making basis and support. Up to official greenpass Certification as quality proof
Find the best climate-proof design

With greenpass, the issues of environmental protection and climate resilience can be managed and taken into account in a fact-based manner throughout the entire planning process. This brings added value for everyone - for residents and neighbors, the city and the developer itself!
Jürgen Preiss
City of Vienna | Environmental Protection
3 simple steps
3 simple steps
To consider climate-proofing in design competition processes was never easier. Greenpass can be assembled according to your needs - from our greenpass Climate Check platform to greenpass 3D Analyticsand greenpass Certification. The data-driven results can straight be taken into account for organization-wide ESG reporting in line with EU regulations (CSRD, ...)