Ensure green assets
The use case financial risk analysis adress financial institutions and organisations to proof investment activities with real estate connection towards ESG and EU compliance.
Use greenpass DIY to efficiently proof investment activites towards greeness and increase green asset ratio (GAR). greenpass Expert with official (pre-)certification can be further used as quality assurance instrument to ensure green assets by demanding standards and attest for climate resilience
Proof green assets and compliance
greenpass delivers plenty of benefits to proof green assets towards ESG impact and climate proofing
3 simple steps
3 simple steps
To proof and ensure green assets was never easier. greenpass can be assembled according to your needs. From our greenpass DIY platform to greenpass Expert. The data-driven results can straight be taken into account for organization-wide ESG reporting in line with EU regulations (CSRD, ...)
Choose your greenpass
The recommendation includes a greenpass DIY subscription for climate proofing, to efficiently proof real estate investments towards it's greeness based on AI.
Optional greenpass Expert with official Pre-Certification and Certification can be further used as quality assurance instrument to ensure green assets by setting and demand quality standards and attest from financing applicants